Precision is our passion
SIA BMDECO is supplier to manufacturing companies in the High-tech, Electronics, Automotive and etc. industries.The company provides turnkey solutions for various applications, such as: engineering development, single parts production or production and assembly of mechanical systems.
About us

For high risk and serious orders, the customer can have a track on manufacturing process.

Each produced part is registered, measuring reports are stored and manufacturing technology is documented.

The general accuracy for CNC milled parts is up to 0.01mm. But we can achieve 0.005mm and higher.

5axis CNC milling: Deckel Maho DMU 70eVo linear
Travel dimensions (X/Y/Z):750/600/520
A axis:102deg
C axis:360deg

3axis CNC milling: Okuma space center MA-500HA
Travel dimensions (X/Y/Z): 710/890/780

Grinding machine:
Surface: 800x400 mm
Coordinate portal measuring machine
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On the 4th of December 2023 “BMDECO’’ Ltd. has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2023/384 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project "International competitiveness promotion", which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.